Golf & Sustainability

Sustainable golf holiday in Austria

Discover a new dimension of golf holidays in Austria, where sustainability and golf enjoyment merge in perfect harmony. Some hotel establishments, members of Golf in Austria, are proud to be dedicated to sustainability and offer you an environmentally conscious golf holiday experience in Austria.

At these Austrian golf hotels, you can expect not only a first-class golfing experience, but also a deep commitment to conserving natural resources and promoting an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Many here focus on environmentally friendly practices such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction and the use of renewable energy. There is also a strong emphasis on regionalism, protecting native flora and fauna, promoting the regional economy and treating the environment with respect.

Plan a sustainable golf holiday in Austria and be inspired by the environmentally conscious offers of the Golf in Austria member hotels. Visit the websites of the individual hotels to find out about their sustainable initiatives and design your golf holiday with an environmentally conscious approach. We are proud to present a selection of Golf in Austria member hotels that are committed to sustainability.

This does not mean that our other members do not also consider the issue of sustainability. Please feel free to get an overview of our other member companies of Golf in Austria here. The Golf & Sustainability section is currently being expanded and we look forward to providing you with more packages from our member companies soon.


Golfplätze & Nachhaltigkeit

Diese Mitgliedsgolfplätze legen großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und setzen umweltfreundliche Praktiken wie Wasserschonung, naturnahe Pflege der Grünflächen und den Schutz der Artenvielfalt um. Mit dieser nachhaltigen Ausrichtung wird sichergestellt, dass Golfgenuss und Naturschutz Hand in Hand gehen, um Gästen ein umweltbewusstes und gleichzeitig erstklassiges Golfspielerlebnis zu bieten.

Sie sind nicht fündig geworden? – Dann schicken Sie uns Ihre Wünsche und wir finden für Sie das passende Hotel.

Dauer & Kriterien des Aufenthalts

Anzahl der Personen

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